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Despite the crisis, oil and gas is still an irreplaceable energy resource. However, it is a non-renewable resource, so in addition to expanding the search, the rational exploitation of the existing fields is a challenge for the oilfield exploration and production. Combining methods including collecting, processing and analyzing existing documents and data; the results of the article have determined the workflow of building a parametric model suitable for the research object and applying geostatistics simutaneously to interpolate geological features as well as assess reliability and reduce risks. In this study, a three-dimensional (3D) geological model is established according to updated datas, including geological, seismic, well log, well testing, and using as the data base for oil initially in place estimation. Specially, effectively supported establishing economic and technical plans for field development. The model results have clarified the reservoir parameters in Miocene formation, predicting potential reservoirs; expression the characteristics of reservoir distribution in 3D space. The 3D geological model of Dong Duong oilfield with a cycle is established on the basis application of geostatistical methods, stochastic simulation and is applied to describe the homogeneity of the reservoir as well as build up parameter models. The process of checking the accuracy of the model is conducted by comparing the data from the model and the input data: seismic, geological, reserve apprisal report,... illustrates that there is no difference any deviation beyond the allowable limit.

Author's Affiliation
  • Nguyễn Tuấn

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  • Trần Văn Xuân

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  • Nguyễn Xuân Khá

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  • Trương Quốc Thanh

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  • Trần Đức Lân

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Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Tuấn, N., Xuân, T., Khá, N., Thanh, T., & Lân, T. (2021). Applying 3D geological model for oil initially in place estimation Dong Duong oilfield, Block 02/97, Cuu Long basin. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(SI3), SI23-SI41.

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