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The process of formation and deposition of granular sedimentary formations containing oil and gas in sedimentary basins on the continental shelf of Vietnam is a key factor in the study to determine the distribution trend, characteristics and scale of the sedimentary formations in general and Miocene sediments in particular. Up to the present time, the majority of Vietnam's oil and gas exploitation basin are distributed on continental or coastal shelves, so the study of the origin and evolution of basins in general and components in particular (into reservoir system) still exists many gaps not only with geologists but also with petroleum research and exploration company on the continental shelf of Vietnam. The samples and data collected cover most of the onshore and offshore in Southeastern Vietnam, allowing the construction of the relationship boths the two areas that have traditionally been studied by the companys, with the lack of synchronous methods, closely links. The collection of research data, recently collected, created convenient conditions for linking and comparing the evolutionary history between the continental sediments and the continental shelf through the survey of collecting field samples and core samples at petroleum exploration drill wells come to clarify the origin, evolution, the trend of sedimentary materials transporting. The methodology conducted to research includes geotectonics, stratigraphic seismic analysis, borehole geophysical analysis, stress filed, core sample analysis, sedimentary lithological analysis, biostratigraphic analysis, analysis of U-Pb zircon isotope age and at last artificial intelligence. The study results can also be used to predict the presence and distribution of the Miocene sandstone petroleum formations in researching area.

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Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Tuấn, N., Xuân, T., Trị, T., Hiếu, P., Khá, N., & Thanh, T. (2021). Combination of methodology on researching the petroleum formation process in Lower Miocene sediments, Cuu Long Basin. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(SI3), SI1-SI22.

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