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Oil and gas resources have been an important fossil energy source, cannot be replaced and have a great significance in many fields of human life. The X field was discovered in 1995 thanks to X-1X exploration. Following the initial success, a total of 4 additional wells were drilled to explore and evaluate the potential oil and gas in the foundation and sedimentary rocks, including X North-1X, X North-2X, X North-3X, and 3XST1. On that basis, the Reserve Assessment Report (RAR) was first approved in 2007 and served as a premise for the preparation of the 2008 mine development plan report with four production wells, including X-1P, X-2P, X-3P and X-4P bring the total number of wells drilled in the X field to 9 wells. Based on the current production status of the X field, some conclusions are made: Oil and gas output of the field is decreasing with the increase of the gas/oil ratio (GOR) and high water flow at the stage. Initially, it could be due to data errors when it was put into operation. Based on the reservoir simulation model that has been accurated with the reservoir history, the development scenarios to improve the oil recovery coefficient will be studied and forecasted for the potential remaining oil reserves. The research results show that with the 09 options given to forecasting the increase in reserves, the reservoir simulation model that applies water injection to maintain reservoir pressure at well X-I4 brings effective results increasing high recoveries, about 29.1% of the oil initial in place (an increase of about 700 thousand barrels compared to the current production). The assessment results of the current status and production forecast contribute to the planning of future oilfield development plans.

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Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Tuấn, N., Pham, Q., Dam, H., Tran, A., Nguyen, S., Nguyen, A., & Nguyen, V. (2022). Assessment of current status and production forecast for Miocene in X oilfield, Cuu Long basin. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5(SI1), 10-28.

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