Currently, with the disappearance of fossil energy sources, finding new alternative energy sources is very necessary, such as solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, flow energy... However, these energy sources require high investment capital, large capacity, and bulky size. In circuits requiring small power sources (below 12V), it is not applicable, or only used through intermediate devices such as transformers, current transformers; Therefore, the application of energy from mechanical vibration has been proposed as an optimal measure compared to the above methods. Energy recovery from mechanical vibration is the activity of reusing a part of the energy generated when there is a fluctuation with a constant frequency on solid surfaces. Mechanical vibrations occur mostly in production systems, and it also causes some damage. However, we can take advantage of these mechanical vibrations to cater to some basic life requirements if they have the right vibration frequency and amplitude, or we can adjust to have optimal vibration conditions. This article uses an intermediate control circuit to convert the energy generated by mechanical vibration into electrical energy (current and voltage), in which the piezoelectric sensors or piezoelectric beam are placed on the structures to be measured, we will receive oscillations at different frequencies so that we can analyze the damage caused by vibration and evaluate the application range of piezoelectric sensors and piezoelectric beam on a case-by-case basis. The purpose of the paper is to study a constant frequency energy recovery circuit to create some initial parameters, then use a Bond-Graph to optimally simulate this energy recovery process. This is also a very good solution for generating energy for the SHM system from other mechanical energy sources.
Issue: Vol 3 No SI1 (2019)
Page No.: SI22-SI27
Published: Apr 12, 2020
Section: Research article
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