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This paper deals with teamwork scheduling problem in available time windows. This problem has been posed by combining the three constraints are the jobs can split into some sub-jobs which should not be less than a threshold called splitmin, the jobs are only assigned into available time windows and the jobs can be assigned into many people in the organization. Since then the four properties of this problem considered are everyone handles any jobs; a job can be handled by some person at the same time; jobs can be broken down into some sub-jobs; the size of the job/sub-job should not be less than splitmin. The goal aims to determine a feasible schedule that minimizes makespan. And a numerical example is presented to demonstrate the essential constraint with given input data to well define this scheduling problem. Besides the authors proposed a mathematical model to determine the optimal solution by using solvers to solve it and some simple heuristics with computing time less than one second to find the good solutions such as Assignment approach, SPT/LPT rules. All experiments were evaluated on two criteria are the maximum completion time for all jobs and runtime in seconds to determine the solution. These experiments were conducted by the comparison of the lower bound, the exact method based on using CPLEX solver to solve the MILP model, and proposed heuristics. The experimental results show it is very time consuming to determine the optimal solution by CPLEX solver, while the solution found by heuristic algorithms is only good enough.

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 3 No SI1 (2020): Special Issue: Computer Science and Engineering
Page No.: SI50-SI58
Published: Oct 13, 2020
Section: Research article

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Trang, S., Trần, L., & Huỳnh, N. (2020). A mathematical model for teamwork scheduling problem in available time-windows. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(SI1), SI50-SI58.

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