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The increasing trend of working time and pressure on students, especially passive posture due to using computers in the learning process with inadequate attention to health has made spinal abnormal symptoms more and more common in the world. In particular, spinal deformity is one of the reasons affecting the normal development of adolescents, causing many circulatory and respiratory diseases and leading to psychological effects as well. Early detection of spinal deformities is thus one of the important tasks in routine scoliosis screening at secondary school in many countries, but not yet in Vietnam. The purpose of this study was to test the use of the DIERS formetric 4D device to conduct a pilot study on the spinal deformity of a group of students to investigate the possibility of using this method for widespread deployment in the future of scoliosis screening program. This is a new spine measurement method that does not use ionizing radiation, gives multi-parameter results, and is suitable for periodic scoliosis screening for all ages. Experimental measurements were performed on a group of 40 students consisting of 26 males and 14 females. The results showed that most of the students had abnormal expressions such as hunchback, and scoliosis. 18 out of 40 samples showed pelvic dislocation. The above cases can be caused by prolonged sitting time, a lack of physical exercise, and a wrong sitting posture. Abnormal cases in women have some common features of living habits. The results of the mentioned pilot study allow us to determine the necessary factors to use the DIERS method in proposing the implementation of a mass screening program for spinal deformities, especially in the national school medicine program.

Author's Affiliation
Article Details

Issue: Vol 4 No SI2 (2021): Special Issue: Recent advances in applied sciences 2021
Page No.: SI99-SI105
Published: Jul 21, 2022
Section: Research article

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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 How to Cite
Vo, Q. K., Nguyen, T. H., Truc, N., Quyen, N., Nguyen, T. T., Tran, A. T., & Huynh, Q. L. (2022). A Pilot study on using formetric scanning method to investigate spinal deformity of Vietnamese students. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(SI2), SI99-SI105.

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