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The article focuses on applying conventional seismic structural interpretation and seismic attributes in conjunction with supportive surrounding well logs to qualitatively find out any indication of sand stratigraphically trapped in Oligocene “C” sediment, the center part of Cuu Long basin where the studied area, a mono-cline structure, has been considered as one of the main depo-center which has a dominant potential of source rocks rather than reservoirs. The conventional attributes show an elongate abnormal zone developing North-South in the studied area. Detailed interpretation and surface attributes application at reservoir scale showing a clearer image of the sand and shale distribution qualitatively, two main sand bodies have been captured from the impedance surface attributes and shale distributions are also roughly generated. Within this paper, the authors only expect to predict the distribution of the sand bodies in Oligocene “C” sediment that could open new opportunities of attracting more exploration effort on stratigraphic traps then discoveries in exist in the slope of Oligocene “C” sequences at the blocks 09-1,09-2/09 center part of Cuu Long basin. Despite recent years, more hydrocarbon accumulations have increasingly been discovered in the target, but to reveal the full potential of stratigraphic traps, further studies need to be carried out to quantitatively evaluate the oil and gas potential of these stratigraphic/ combination traps. However, many uncertainties related to the petroleum system need to be analyzed to minimize the risk before turned into other further costly exploration activities. And at least the study could narrow down the studied area and attract more attention to exploration efforts in the future. Further quantitative interpretation efforts on the hydrocarbon detection, sealing capacity of these traps need to be invested in order to increase the success probability of the targets for the proper exploration and/or appraisal plan of stratigraphic traps in the future.

Author's Affiliation
  • Trần Văn Xuân

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  • Kiều Nguyên Bình

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  • Trương Quốc Thanh

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  • Nguyễn Xuân Khá

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  • Nguyễn Tuấn

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  • Trương Vũ

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 4 No SI3 (2021): Special Issue SI3: Earth Resources and Sustainable Ennergy
Page No.: SI177-SI183
Published: Nov 5, 2021
Section: Research article

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Xuân, T., Bình, K., Thanh, T., Khá, N., Tuấn, N., & Vũ, T. (2021). Applying seismic attributes on finding the petroleum potential of stratigraphic traps in upper oligocene “C”, blocks 09-1,09-2/09, center of Cuu Long Basin. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(SI3), SI177-SI183.

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