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Skin graft is effective method to reconstruct large lesions on the skin. Long-term injuries such as burns, skin ulcers, skin flaps, skin grafts... can affect the health of the patient. Skin plays a very important role because it protects the body from dehydration, helps regulate temperature, helps prevent pathogenic bacteria or viruses from entering the body and minimizes skin deformation. In recent years the cold plasma has been used to aid the treatment of chronic skin wounds, burns, ulcers,... To assess the effectiveness of the wound healing process of Plasma, this study uses non – invasive (assess the shrinkage of the wound, the temperature change of the wound) and invasive methods (regeneration of skin tissue structure) to evaluate the therapeutic effects of Dielectric Barrier Dissections Plasma (DBD Plasma) in skin graft surgery. Experimenting with the entire skin graft model on mice, this use of DBD Plasma treatment along with clinical evaluation methods, this is to compare wound healing time between wounds treated with plasma DBD and untreated wound. After 21 days of experimentation, evaluation methods and results processing tools, it was shown that wound healing of skin lesions on mice of the wound area treated with DBD Plasma faster than nontreatment about: (1) The surface shrinkage rate is about 25%; (2) The average wound temperature is less than 0.5-1oC; (3) Healing time is faster from 5 to 6 days. Therefore, DBD Plasma is able to be a potential treatment for wound healing combined with skin graft surgery in the future. The initial study of DBD model is the premise from which could be broader in other animals such as rabbits and pigs with skin structure closer to the human skin. And further, the DBD Plasma shows the potential for preclinical application to human skin graft.

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 3 No SI3 (2020): Special Issue: Recent Advances in Applied Sciences
Page No.: SI112-SI117
Published: Jan 15, 2021
Section: Research article

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Hien, N., Nhi, D., Nam, N., Anh, V., Phuong, N., & Ha, L. (2021). Using invasive and non-invasive methods to evaluate the therapeutic effect of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) Plasma in skin graft surgery. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(SI3), SI112-SI117.

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