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This study presents a research related to a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Motorcycle (HEM) which renovated from a Honda Lead 110cc with rear wheel is driven by original internal combustion engine and continuously variable transmission, while front wheel is directly-driven by a 48V – 1,000W BLDC Hub-Motor. The research focuses on optimal calculating, designing, prototyping and testing an electric power supply using Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery pack to replace the lead–acid battery. The simulation and experimental results are able to evaluate the dynamic characteristics and operating cost of HEM. The study has been designed and prototyed a 48V – 33Ah Li-ion battery pack with a Battery Management System (BMS) circuit embeded on the vehicle. The battery pack is 10.84 (kg) weight and 8.11 (l) volume, reduced 30 (kg) and 12.89 liters compared to the lead-acid battery where battery life is greater than 2,000 cycles. In only electric motor mode, the longest distance of the HEM is 78.77 (km) for a half load, only driver, and 65.83 (km) for full load, one driver, and one passenger. Maximum speed is 52.67 (km/h) for a half load and 48.42 (km/h) for full load. In hybrid mode until SOC reduce to 50%, HEM can travel 64.366 (km) for a half load and 54.477 (km) for full load. The fuel consumption in the each case is 2.162 and 2.425 (l/100km), 0.5 liter lower than the original one and 0.3 liter lower than lead-acid battery. The cost of investment in HEM is 56 million VND and the operating cost is 1,106 VND/km, while the original vehicles are 40 million VND and 1,352 (VND/km). For every 1km using hybrid vehicles, 246.88 VND will be saved, after about 3.1 years, it will recoup the spending on investment. At the end of the motorcycle life cycle is about 200,000 km, and 43 million VND will be saved.

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Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Nguyen Van, T., Nguyen Duy, T., & Phạm, A. (2021). A study on optimizing the characteristics of lithium-ion battery power source and operating cost for hybrid motorcycle. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(SI2), SI81-SI92.

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