The powertrain model of a vehicle using a small gasoline engine is designed based on the analysis results of the Matlab/Simdriveline simulation model. In which, the vehicle's powertrain model parts include: engine, clutch, gearbox, differential and wheels, and overall vehicle modeled by Matlab/ Simdriveline. Mathematical basis of the corresponding models for systems or components are used to build simulated models for the entire vehicle's powertrain system. The input parameters for the simulation problem include parameters of the size, mass, structural and technical parameters of each system such as transmission ratio, power, velocity, efficiency, determined based on actual vehicle model and empirical calculations. The simulation calculation process is done on the basis of the variation of the engine power, from which, the corresponding input and output kinetic and dynamic parameters of each system in the powertrain system consists of clutch, gearbox, differential, are obtained in the time domain. The results of simulation calculation of the kinematics and dynamics of each system in the vehicle's powertrain are analyzed as a basis for design improvement to improve the dynamic performance of the vehicle model.
Issue: Vol 3 No SI2 (2020): Special issue: Advanced Computational Methods in Vehicle Egineering
Page No.: SI176-SI185
Published: May 3, 2021
Section: Research article
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