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Compared to steels, aluminium-alloys are comparably strong but 3 times lighter, inoxidable and unfavorable to producing mechanical sparks. Aluminium alloys are therefore attractive materials and have been widely applied to transportation industry in developed countries since 1950s. An alunimium-alloy tank has upto 20% more useful volume than a steel tank for the same total weight. Interior and exterior protective coatings are unnecessary, significantly saving annual maintenance costs and preventing any contamination from abrasion of interior protective coatings. In additional, an aluminim-alloy tank does not ignite a fire in traffic accident. In G7 regions as well as many developed countries in Europe and Asia, only tanks made from aluminim alloys are approved for carrying danger liquids such as petroleum and chemical substances. In Vietnam, International Machine And Equipment (IMAE) Company is considered as a pioneer in designing and manufacturing aluminium alloy-tanks satisfying American DOT 406 Standard for tank trucks and semi-trailers. With optimized designing and manufacturing processes in conjunction with quality control system and continuous improvement, product quality is strictly maintained, quickly providing benefits to customers. Using an aluminium-alloy tank for carrying petroleum for 25 years, a complete payback can be achieved after only 7 months although initial investment is considerablely high.

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Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Hung, D., Trần Thanh, D., Đinh Văn, T., Huỳnh Nhật, D., & Thượng Công, L. (2021). Fabrication technology for aluminium-alloy tanks carrying petroleum and chemical substances in Viet Nam. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(SI2), SI145-SI157.

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