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With the current energy transition trend of the oil and gas industry, in order to increase efficiency, optimize exploitation and save resources, formation evaluation is necessary to best exploit a reservoir. The objective of this study is to evaluate the formation quality of the E sequence, X oilfield, block 09-2/09 in the Cuu Long basin. The research is based on the properties and flow capacity of the reservoir, using well parameters of pressure, volume, temperature and petrophysical data of well KB-3X. This study was conducted using two interpretive methods are traditional and advanced methods. The traditional interpretation method will establish a graph between Horner time and well bottomhole pressure pws and then apply calculation formulas to determine the parameters of the reservoir. The advanced interpretation method uses Ecrin software to interpret reservoir test results. Both methods give negative Skin coefficients, proving effective well completion. The results of reservoir parameters obtained from the advanced method are determined in accordance with geological documents as follows: the initial pressure of the reservoir is pi= 5564,79 psi, permeability K=3,59 mD, hydro conductivity equals kh=306 mD.ft=93 mD, coefficient Skin S=-2,69, well storage coefficient evaluates to C=0,0024 bbl/psi, productivity index PI=0,56 bbl/d/psi and distance to fault L=2250ft = 686m. The interpretation process with the help of Ecrin software has allowed to overcome the limitations in traditional methods when applying many well, reservoir and boundary models. The results after this process show that the reservoir quality of the E sequence is still limited, and the ability to produce commercial flows is poor when the permeability value is low (K=3,59mD). The significance of the research results is to supplement input data for simulation models and field development planning, thereby providing the most appropriate exploitation plan and economic plan for the oil industry to achieve commercial efficiency better.

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Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Tuấn, N., Xuân, T., Khá, N., Hương, T., Trang, N., & Ly, N. (2024). Applying interpreted results of drill stem test to assess reservoir characterization at well KB-3X, Kinh Bac oilfield, block 09-2/09. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(SI7), In press.

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