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The geosynthetic reinforcement solution, whether in the form of geogrids or geotextile reinforcement, combined with a group of reinforced piles in an embankment on soft ground, proves to be a rapid and effective approach for projects situated on granular embankments. However, the complexity of working mechanisms is a challenge for engineers as it can impact the performance of solution under different real-world conditions. Indeed, load transfer is a complex mechanism conditional upon the interaction among connecting elements, such as piles, soil, and geosynthetics. In this study, a numerical model was constructed using the finite element method, incorporating both 2D and 3D models to simulate an experiment conducted by Liu et al. This paper described a case history of a geogrid-reinforced and pile-supported highway embankment with a low area improvement ratio. The present study focused on evaluating surface settlement, stress distribution on soft ground, and the effectiveness of load transfer within a reinforced embankment through a system of interconnected piles with geosynthetics and subsoil. The results of the study indicated that both 2D and 3D models accurately reflected the behavior of the piles, but there were differences in simulating stress on soft ground and load transfer within the embankment. The 2D model proved more suitable for simulating stress on the soft ground surface, while the 3D model achieved a high level of accuracy (1% deviation from observational results) in simulating the load transfer within the embankment. These findings highlight the complex nature of load transfer mechanisms and highlight the importance of considering both 2D and 3D modeling approaches when assessing the performance of a geogrid-reinforced and pile-supported highway embankment over soft clay under various conditions.

Author's Affiliation
  • Tuan Minh Pham

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  • Nguyen Duy Liem

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 How to Cite
Pham, T., & Liem, N. (2024). 2D and 3D numerical investigation on geosynthetic-Reinforced piled-Embankment over soft ground. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(SI7), In press.

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