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Vibration of bus driver's seat subjected under harmonic excitation, 3DOF (3 degrees of freedom) dynamic model is employed to carry out the calculation by 3 simulation methods. Mathematical model - numerical using Matlab programming language (Numerical model), Multi Body Dynamics (MBD) using Matlab Simmechanics tool (MBD model) and finite element model using Ansys APDL (FEM model) are employed. The strengths and limitations of each method are analyzed through the process of building models and retrieving the resulting data. The evaluation indexes include the response of driver's seat acceleration, response of the seat suspension's relative displacement and the seat suspension's vibration isolation ability according to two investigated cases of natural frequency and damping ratio. The obtained results from all 3 methods have no difference and the evaluation indexes are suitable according to the studies on vehicle vibration response. The Numerical model method requires the user to perform complex mathematical modeling. The MBD model method using Matlab Simmechanics is simpler, using built-in function blocks, requiring declarations to establish the exact initial equilibrium position of the mass elements. The FEM model method using Ansys APDL with keypoints and lines describing the model elements requires precise setting of the displacement of each keypoint. However, both the MBD and FEM model methods are only effective when investigating the response in the time domain for a particular instance of the excitation frequency. When analyzing the response in the frequency domain, which requires accessing and synthesizing data of many cases in the investigated frequency range, these two methods have many limitations in the calculation process, specifically, in performing complex computations with many loops and variables. Solving problems also takes longer than numerical method using mathematical model. The obtained results are analyzed in the time domain, frequency domain, and the value domain of the driver's seat suspension parameters. This result serves as a basis for developing the design of the driver's seat suspension system with nonlinear spring and shock absorber, and the selection of a calculation method suitable for each problem in the field of vehicle vibration.

Author's Affiliation
  • TRAN Huu Nhan

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  • Pham Ngoc Dai

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 6 No 2 (2023)
Page No.: 1906-1916
Published: Aug 10, 2023
Section: Research article

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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 How to Cite
Nhan, T., & Dai, P. (2023). Application of simulation methods on vibration analysis of a bus driver seat using the quarter car 3DOF model subjected under harmonic excitation. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(2), 1906-1916.

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