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In Vietnam, electric motorcycles (EMs) have recently emerged as reliable, eco-friendly alternatives to conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. However, because electric motorcycles are relatively new in the motorcycle industry in Vietnam, consumers often lack access to essential data for assessing the performance and construction quality of EMs, which in turn affects their purchasing decisions. To address this challenge, our research presents an experimental methodology and road-testing procedure for EMs, incorporating a range of assessment criteria. Our investigation focused on two VinFast integrated battery packs of Lithium-Ion (NMC) type with a capacity of 22 Ah, and two VinFast IMPES electric motorcycles. The study enlisted the participation of five male volunteers and involved traversing two distinct routes: a city route with an average distance of 10 km and a highway route with an average distance of 24 km. In total, the study encompassed over 4000 km of travel and 70 charge cycles. The results have shown that the energy consumption ranged between 18.1 and 20.1 Wh/km with an average energy consumption of 20.47 Wh/km, which is approximately 0.13 USD for 50 km. With an initial battery capacity of 28%, the average charging time is 3 hours 24 minutes, with a charging efficiency of 94%. The variance between the theoretical model and test results fell within the range of 24.46%. This methodology can be applied to various models of electric motorcycles, providing both manufacturers and users with a means to gather operational parameters and assess the critical performance aspects of these vehicles It is important to note that the outcomes are still influenced by the actions of the rider.

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Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Le, D. T., Ngo, T. T., Dang, T. D., & Ngo, K. H. (2023). Preliminary study on-road test for performance evaluation of electric motorcycles in Viet Nam. VNUHCM Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5(SI2), 10-23.

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